
2023 Bond Transparency Act of 2017
Bond Election Facts

Election Date: February 13, 2018

THANK YOU FOR VOTING YES! Voters respond with 93% in favor of bond!
Read about Election Results in Stillwater News Press

Polling Places: Regular precinct locations in the Mulhall-Orlando School District

Polls Open: 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

The Need: To approve a $990,000 School Bond Issue for Mulhall-Orlando Public Schools.
On February 13th, a bond issue will be placed before the patrons of the Mulhall-Orlando School District in the form of two propositions to address several areas in immediate need.

Proposition 1: The Elementary School roof has many leaks and is in need of replacement. The roof is beyond repair. A new sloped, metal roof will be installed at a cost of $645,000. Approximately $40,000 of the funds will also be used to renovate some classrooms, and replace needed classroom desks and chairs throughout the district. Worn carpet/flooring will be replaced as well. Replacing the HVAC equipment at the High School will cost $155,000. The proposed Bond Issue will provide the much needed funds to address these areas of concern.

Proposition 2: Additionally, $150,000 of the Bond Issue will be spent on transportation. With the money provided, the school district will be able to acquire two new buses for student transportation.

These bonds will be repaid by property taxes within the Mulhall-Orlando School District. These bonds will go on the tax rolls after the previous bond issue goes off. Because this bond issue is slightly larger than the previous bond issue, taxes are expected to increase slightly. For every $100 a patron pays in property taxes now, you will see an increase of approximately $0.33 per month should this bond issue pass.

Mulhall-Orlando Public Schools Bond Passed by Voters

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